Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sister's Song

Okay, I admit it right up front.  I have four amazing daughters.  They are strong women who are making a difference in the world.  They are beautiful inside and out.  But you know how you might be aware of a certain fact, and then, something happens that confirms it in such a powerful way, you are in awe.  That happened this week.  One of my daughters was caught up in a hurtful situation.  Her sisters rallied around her with such support and loyalty.  One of them put together this tribute to their relationship with one another.  I just couldn’t keep it to myself.  I don’t know how I am so blessed to be the mother of these four fabulous females.  But I am truly grateful and proud.  

Since it goes so well with our last post, we felt it was well worth sharing with you. 

We hope you enjoy watching, and that it encourages you to remain strong in the climb with your own daughters and sisters.



  1. It was a beautiful tribute to four beautiful young ladies!

  2. What a beautiful song. Such a great job cousins! ;) -Amber

  3. Merritt and I both had to get out the kleenex. Beautiful girls, beautiful surroundings, beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  4. OH RomaLee this was too for me to put into words. Thank You for sharing. When you said "I don't know how I am so blessed to be their mother?" - - I can tell you the answer....It is because of you (and Blair) and all the years of being there with them and for them as you two set the examples. Yes, four beautiful daughters and what beautiful women. We are thankful to have you each of you our dear neighbors. Hugs, Wanda
