Friday, February 25, 2011

Do You Feel Isolated?

On my side of the mountain here in Montana, I have found over the years that I have become really good at detaching at certain times from situations, people and sometimes life in general.  Detaching is so much easier than facing the truth, working through situations or relationships, or taking the risk of being exposed for who you really are.  After all, what if who you really are isn’t all that great? What if you are doing your best and it still isn’t good enough?
For now, I won’t try to expound on all the reasons why I think that I detach; only that it is something I recognize about myself and have decided to work on this year.  Moving towards others always involves risk.  I have made so many mistakes in relationships and circumstances in the past that I hesitate towards vulnerability and tend towards isolation.  
But just for today, I am going to say “yes” to life.  For today, I am going to try to enter into the hurt and pain of those around me.  I am going to make that phone call that takes time and energy, and I am going to ask questions, even if they seem silly.  I am going to share my real thoughts more often and I am going to try harder to identify with those around me.  I am going to admit that I struggle and I am going to ask for help more readily.  
I have no illusions about the steepness of the mountain in front of me.  But one step at a time, I am going to make the climb.  Anyone want to join me?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nourish Your Soul

Do you ever feel like life is just a vicious cycle and you are struggling from day to day to keep up?  Every time you turn around, laundry, dishes, housecleaning, and taking kids sports their sporting events are staring you in the face.  It seems like in this day and age people are more stressed out than ever before.  Why is that?  Is it possible to change that?
Well, I don’t claim to have all of the answers, but I do think that technology has certainly changed things.  We are always available via cell phone, Facebook, or other social media on the Internet.  While these are all very useful tools, I do believe we get in the mode where we feel life can’t go on if we pull ourselves away from them for a little while.
There also seems to be competition among young parents today to “keep up with the Joneses”, so to speak.  Since they have their kids in 5 different sports or activities, then so should we.
And last, but definitely not least, is the daunting task of earning a living to keep food on the table.  That can be very challenging in these tough economic times.
While these are all good and necessary things, I believe in keeping balance in all areas of your life.  As moms, sisters, wives, etc., one area that we seem to be out of balance in is taking time to nourish our own souls.  We tend to take care of everything and everybody but ourselves.  That can only go on so long before we become totally burned out.  Burnout can lead to depression, anxiety, resentfulness, and many other issues.
So how do we avoid that?  I suggest that you take some time every day to nourish your soul.  How do you do that?  Well nourishing your soul is different for everyone.  It could mean, reading a book, having a cup of coffee or tea, taking a well needed nap, going for a walk or hike, or taking a drive to the country or to the mountains!  (Being in the mountains and nature does it for me every time.)    
Whatever it takes for you feel refreshed, DO IT!  I cannot stress enough the importance of taking care of yourself.  You may only have 10-15 minutes, but that’s better than nothing.  Find a friend who will keep you accountable.  RomaLee and I are in the habit of asking each other this question when we visit:  “What did you do today to nourish your soul?” 
I give you permission to do one special thing for yourself every day.  (Or at least every week.)  And don’t feel guilty about it! 
What did you do today to nourish your soul?  I’d love to hear about it!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Single on Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day is a wonderful day to show your loved ones how much you care about them.   But for some of our single moms and single young ladies, it is a reminder to them that they are alone.  It can be discouraging and make them feel unloved.  
Listen up all single women!  There is one thing I KNOW about you!  You are beautiful!  You were created to be who you are, you were created to succeed and prosper.  You were created to have dreams in your heart and hope for fulfillment!  This is in your DNA!  You have been created ON PURPOSE for a PURPOSE which is greater than yourself.  You are greatly needed and highly valued.  You exemplify strength and endurance that the world needs to see.  You have climbed mountains and blazed trails that are examples to all of us, and we are so very proud of you! 
We love you and care about you!  
If you have a single women in your life, take time out to make her Valentine's Day special and let her know how much she is valued.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of our Mountain Matters trailblazers!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sister's Song

Okay, I admit it right up front.  I have four amazing daughters.  They are strong women who are making a difference in the world.  They are beautiful inside and out.  But you know how you might be aware of a certain fact, and then, something happens that confirms it in such a powerful way, you are in awe.  That happened this week.  One of my daughters was caught up in a hurtful situation.  Her sisters rallied around her with such support and loyalty.  One of them put together this tribute to their relationship with one another.  I just couldn’t keep it to myself.  I don’t know how I am so blessed to be the mother of these four fabulous females.  But I am truly grateful and proud.  

Since it goes so well with our last post, we felt it was well worth sharing with you. 

We hope you enjoy watching, and that it encourages you to remain strong in the climb with your own daughters and sisters.
