Friday, March 18, 2011

Cabin Fever, Concussions, & Contusions

This time of the year I start to get what is known as “Cabin Fever.”  It’s not quite spring yet, (at least here in Colorado) and when there isn’t any snow on the ground, things seem brown, dirty and messy.  I have to admit, it’s my least favorite time of year.  It’s not really warm enough to open up the windows and air things out for very long either!   It can get a bit depressing.
In my attempt to make it feel like spring is on the way, I try to get outside every day for either a walk, or a trip to the dog park with my favorite canine Husky friend, Lakita.  Last Saturday I was babysitting my daughter’s puppy as well.  She has an adorable little Shih-Tzu / Malti-poo mix named Half-Pint who is full of grit and vinegar!
Now usually my dear hubby braves it and goes with me to the dog park, but since he has been down with this nasty cold that is going around, we decided it was best for him to stay home and rest.  So I loaded up the dogs and attempted to make the trek myself.  We have a gorgeous 16 acre dog park that is about a 15 minute drive from our house, and it is always a nice getaway.   The dogs can run their little hearts out while we get our exercise as well. 
I arrived at the park and everything seemed to be going smoothly.  I had already walked my three times around when suddenly I saw several big dogs running full force after little Half-Pint.  Since rescuing things (people, animals, etc.) is in my nature, without thinking, I bent down to grab Half-Pint before the big dogs could get her.  Well of course they weren’t paying attention, and Lakita ran full force into my head, jamming my neck and leaving a huge bump on my head.  Oh course those who saw it were concerned, and asked me if I was okay.  To save embarrassment, I said “Oh I am fine.”   What I didn’t realize, until I got in the car, was that my eye was hurting too.  Evidently, Lakita’s tooth must have caught right below my eye, leaving a nice little gash.  As of today, it is a nice black and blue color.  My head has been pretty painful the past couple of days, so I am pretty sure I have a slight concussion.
Needless to say, I am seeing my chiropractor today to work out some issues, but it just goes to show, from one day to the next, we never know what life holds for us.
But what I do like about this time of year is that I know spring is around the corner.  It gives me a sense of hope and anticipation.  Again the trees will be budding, the flowers will be in bloom, and the grass will once again be green.  My daughter and I are already planning our weekly hikes, and I know that before long, I will be able to pull out my summer clothes, and feel that warm sunshine on my skin again.
This may be a season for you in your life where things aren’t going the way you had hoped or planned.  You are feeling like “spring” may never come.  Maybe you are struggling in your marriage.  Maybe you have a teenager that is challenging you.  Maybe you have been dealing with an illness.  Whatever the case may be, let me assure you that spring is on its way.  Things don’t stay the same forever. 
There is a favorite scripture of mine that says: “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
When things aren’t going my way, I try to remind myself of how blessed I truly am.  I know God has my life in His hands, and is working all things together for my good.  It may not be in my time, but He will see me through the tough times and the good times, and He will see you through as well.
I’d love to have you share a time when you thought you weren’t going to make it, but God has been there to see you through your circumstances.


  1. Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. And the moral of the story is be safe next time your dog takes you for a stroll.

  2. It is so easy to think when you are going through a rough time that it will never end and there is no way out but looking back over the years and different trials, God has graciously brought me through them and very often things are even better on the other side then they were before. Spring is definitely my favorite time of year. Glad you are doing better. Praise God for giving us bodies that can heal!

  3. So many times in the last few years that I have had to remind myself to "Let go and let God".

  4. Janna,

    Thank goodness you are okay, or at least getting better.

    In regards to your request I can recall a time when I was 20 or so(many moons ago) and I was attending my cousins wedding. I lived in
    Thornton at the time and went to Cheyenne for the wedding, about 1 and a 1/2 hours away. My entire family stayed in Cheyenne for the festivities and against their pleading I made the drive home late at night by myself, due to havng to work early the next morning. It was an extremely cold,dark night with a sheet of wet snow or rain on the
    roads. I remember thinking I shouldn't have tried the drive, but money was tight and I needed the next day shift to make ends meet. I
    also remember feelng a safe peacfulness in the car with me on my journey.
    Come to find out there was an extreme car pile up with about 40 vehicles involved. I must have narrowly escaped it, and I've never understood how. All of my figurings and such says I should have been right in the middle of it.

    Only God Knows!
    I still thank him for that one!


  5. Thanks to all of you for sharing! It's always great to hear others experiences. I am feeling much better. My black eye is almost gone, (I didnt have the nerve to post that picture on here! lol),my neck is still sore, but improving, and the bump on my head is feeling much better too. I am well on my way to recovery, and have even been back to the dog park a few times. =)
